Picture Framing Repair

Broken a picture frame, or even worse, someone else’s?!

Don’t worry, accidents happen.  
Strings break and frames fall down.

Bring it to us, we’ll take care of it.


Picture frame repair

We can repair the frame, the mount, damaged mat boards, even the string if you like, although I must admit we despise strings…

Picture frame glass repair

We’ll also repair the glass, if required. Although usually it’s a simple remove and replacement job. Whatever the issue, bring it in.


Picture frame update

Picture frames just looking a bit out of date?  Have you moved house and they don’t fit in anymore? No problem, we can remove the artwork, work with you on the best way to frame your pictures for the new space, then we’ll get it done.

All picture frame repairs are done in house, and under our control. That’s not the case for many picture frame shops out there, which is why the quality can be touch and go.

So if you want to be sure, bring it to us.


Framing Photography


Hanging and Installation